Perhaps your personal magnetism draws your team to follow you wherever you lead, and no understanding is required and no tips from this article are needed. 或许您的个人魅力足以吸引团队服从您的领导,从而不需要本文所介绍的任何的理解和技巧。
He is a man of great personal magnetism. 他是一位富有个性魅力的男子。
Despite all these virtues he did not have that personal magnetism, that animal force, so necessary for a leader of men, and he too was not expected to inherit the family business. 虽然有这么多的有点,他没有那种作为一个领导人所需要的那种人格吸引力以及动物的本能,因此他也不被大家看成是家族产业的继承人。
He had immense personal magnetism. 他具有巨大的个人魅力。
He has a personal magnetism. 他具有(吸引人的)个人魅力。
A teacher should be attractive. He has a personal magnetism. 教师应具备个人魅力。他具有(吸引人的)个人魅力。
Yet so great was Ho Long's personal magnetism that many of his men starved with him and died on the road rather than desert. 但是由于贺龙的个人感召力,他的许多部下宁可与他一起在路上死去,也不愿意离去。